Friday, September 26, 2008

Sept 26 2008

The person you says this quote 
 probably  had some to look up
or had no one to look up to and,
 thats how he came with his quote.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I did not do the reader response journal because ......

  I really didn't not  understand what 
kind of information or examples 
to  put on our reader response journal.

Do Now {Sept 25,2005

  What makes you laugh  ?
      The kind of things that make me laugh are 
statements and quotes and little things, similar
 to  things like that. The things that my teachers
do are so funny, like today my reading teacher 
brought some mickey mouse ears to school.
Also my P.E. teacher brought his hair loose 
and since it's really curly it looks kinda of funny .